Mass Times
8:30 am and 6:30 pm
Regular Mass Schedule
Saturday - 4:00 pm in Church and on 88.3 FM
Sunday - 8:15 am
Sunday - 10:30 am in Church and on 88.3 FM
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday - No Mass
Wednesday - 8:30 am (All School Mass Sept - May)
Thursday - No Mass
Friday - 8:30 am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Wednesday 9:00 am - Noon
First Fridays 9:00 am - Noon
Upon request. Call Fr. Mark at 262-752-7646.
Hearing Assistance System
Shepherd of the Hills is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask for a receiver.
Persons with disabilities are invited to sit in the front pews to receive Holy Communion without leaving the pew.
Office Hours
Closed Friday
Items for the Parish Office may be dropped off in the School Office between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm on Fridays during the school year.
Religious Education
Mardi Gras
Walking With Purpose - Women's Bible Study
‘Passionate Discipleship (A Study of 2 Timothy)’ Advanced Study
Babysitting will be provided free of charge.
Our mission is to help every Catholic woman and girl in America encounter Jesus Christ through our Bible studies.
Learn more at
Catholic Stewardship Appeal
Founding Churches of Shepherd of the Hills
In January 2001, these founding churches merged to become the Congregation of the Good Shepherd.
Love One Another Campaign
Dear Parishioners,
As you may know by now, Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Parish is participating as one of 36 parishes in Wave 1 of the Love One Another Campaign. This campaign is an exciting opportunity for us to meet the present and future needs of our parish while supporting important Catholic ministries in our 10 counties in southeastern Wisconsin.
Our parish campaign goal is $725,974 to be raised in pledges payable over five years. Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Parish will receive 60% of all pledges made and fulfilled by our parishioners. The Love One Another Campaign will impact our parish by:
- Replacing Roofs – Church, gym, school, office, and rectory
- Ongoing Maintenance Needs – New generator, boiler, and kitchen appliances
Visit our link that provides more details about the use of our parish share and the new and expanded Catholic ministries funded through the remaining share:
Please prayerfully consider a pledge to our parish.
Acknowledging God’s blessings, and working together, we will strengthen our parish and community.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Mark Jones, Pastor
Sacred Grounds Coffee House
Join us for Coffee & Fellowship in Sacred Grounds Coffee House!
Sacred Grounds Coffee House is open from 8:00 am - Noon on Sundays.
All proceeds from Sacred Grounds benefit our annual Youth Mission Trip and Religious Education activities.
To volunteer in the Coffee House, please visit the Coffee House Sign Up or contact Dawn Doll or Jenn Wilke with questions.